From Lab to the World

Course materials for Michael Dunn's course at the 2018 LOT Winter School

Lecture outline and readings

Software requirements

Exercise 1: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference with MrBayes
Datafile: Aslian28.nex

Exercise 2: Constraints and multiple partitions
Datafiles: new-britain-swadesh.nex, new-britain-structural.nex

Exercise 3: Ancestral State Reconstruction and the DISCRETE test
Datafiles: Aslian28+structure1.nex, Aslian28.nex.trees, Aslian-complexity.txt, Aslian-semantics.txt

Lecture 1. What is a possible language and how can we know?

Evans, Nicholas. 2016. Typology and coevolutionary linguistics. Linguistic Typology. 20, 3:501–520. link

Ladd, D. Robert, Seán G. Roberts, Dan Dediu. 2015. Correlational studies in typological and historical linguistics. Annual Review of Linguistics. 1, 1:221–241.

Lecture 2. Language variation in social and geographic environment

Gavin, Michael C., Carlos A. Botero, Claire Bowern, Robert K. Colwell, Michael Dunn, Robert R. Dunn, Russell D. Gray, Kathryn R. Kirby, Joe McCarter, Adam Powell, Thiago F. Rangel, John R. Stepp, Michelle Trautwein, Jennifer L. Verdolin, Gregor Yanega. 2013. Toward a Mechanistic Understanding of Linguistic Diversity. BioScience. 63, 7:524-535. link

Lupyan, Gary, Rick Dale. 2010. Language Structure Is Partly Determined by Social Structure. PLoS ONE. 5, 1:e8559. link

Lecture 3. Evolving variation

Dunn, Michael. 2015. Language phylogenies. In: Claire Bowern, Bethwyn Evans (editors) The Routledge Handbook of Historical Linguistics. Routledge. 190-211 preprint

Dunn, Michael, Tonya Kim Dewey, Carlee Arnett, Thórhallur Eythórsson, Jóhanna Barðdal. 2017. Dative sickness: A phylogenetic analysis of argument structure evolution in Germanic. Language. 93, 1:e1-e22. link

Lecture 4. Galton, we have a problem

Dunn, Michael, Simon J. Greenhill, Stephen C. Levinson, Russell D. Gray. 2011. Evolved structure of language shows lineage-specific trends in word-order universals. Nature. 473:79-82. link

Blasi, Damián E., Søren Wichmann, Harald Hammarström, Peter F. Stadler, Morten H. Christiansen. 2016. Sound–meaning association biases evidenced across thousands of languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. :201605782. link

Lecture 5. Integration

Greenhill, Simon J., Chieh-Hsi Wu, Xia Hua, Michael Dunn, Stephen C. Levinson, Russell D. Gray. 2017. Evolutionary dynamics of language systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. :201700388. link

Majid, Asifa, Fiona Jordan, Michael Dunn. 2015. Semantic systems in closely related languages. Language Sciences. 49:1-18. link

Food for thought

Maddison, Wayne P., Richard G. FitzJohn. 2015. The Unsolved Challenge to Phylogenetic Correlation Tests for Categorical Characters. Systematic Biology. 64, 1:127-136. link

Powell, Russell, Carlos Mariscal. 2015. Convergent evolution as natural experiment: the tape of life reconsidered. Interface Focus. 5, 6:20150040. link